See variables.
·adj Irregular; changeable. II. Erratic ·noun A <<Rogue>>. III. Erratic ·adj Deviating from a wise...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Blowing from the four quarters of heaven (Jer. 49:36; Ezek. 37:9; Dan. 8:8; Zech. 2:6). The east win...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
♦ Local or peculiar. ♦ Trade-winds occur within and beyond the tropical parallels. They are pretty...
The Sailor's Word-Book
That the Hebrews recognized the existence of four prevailing winds as issuing, broadly speaking, fro...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Peculiar winds blowing at stated times one way, and then, from a sudden alteration in the temperatur...
Those which blow constantly at certain seasons of the year, as monsoon, trade, and etesian winds. ...
Those from the due north, east, south, and west points of the compass. ...
The Etesiæ of the ancients; winds which blow constantly every year during the time of the dog-days i...
See monsoon and trade-winds. ...
The prevalent winds on any particular coast or region. (See wind.) ...
Variable breezes, mostly light. ...
Currents of air moving from about the 30th degree of latitude towards the equator. The diurnal motio...
Those which blow from the offing, and render bays uncomfortable and insecure. ...
The mariner's compass on maps and charts. ...