- tug
- tug, to
- tugg
- tumble in
- tumbler
- tumble up!
- tumbling home
- tumbling sea
- tumbril
- tum-tum
- tungula
- tunny
- turbonada
- turbot
- turkey-grain
- turk's head
- turn, to catch a
- turn, to take or catch a
- turn ahead!
- turn a turtle, to
- turn in, to
- turn in a heart, to
- turn in a dead-eye or heart, to
- turning in rigging
- turning-room
- turn in the hawse
- turn of the tide
- turn out the guard!
- turn over men, to
- turn the glass
- turn the hands up, to
- turn to windward, to
- turnpike-sailors
- turpis causa
- turret-ship
- turtle
- turtle-crawl
- turtle-peg
- tusk
- 'twixt decks
- 'tween or 'twixt decks
- twice-laid
- twiddling-line
- twig, to
- twig-ait
- twine
- twin-screw
- two-blocks
- two-handed fellows
- two-handed saw
- two-monthly book
- two months' advance
- two-pences
- two-topsail-schooner
- twy
- tye
- tye-block
- tymoom
- tyndarides
- typhoon
- ty-fong
- tai-phon
- ugly
- ulcus
- uliginous channels
- ullage
- ultimatum
- ultra mare
- ultra vires
- ultra-zodiacal
- umbra
- umbrella-warping
- unattached
- unbend, to
- unbitt, to
- unclaimed, as derelict
- undecagon
- under bare poles
- under-bevelling
- under-bright
- under canvas
- under-current
- under deck
- under foot
- under level
- under-manned
- under-masted
- under metal
- under-run a warp, to
- under-run a hawser or warp, to
- under sail
- under-set
- under-shore, to
- under-skinker
- under the lee
- under the sea
- under the wind
- under-tow
- under way
- underwriters