- trench the ballast, to
- trend, to
- trend of an anchor
- trennel
- trepang
- trestle-trees
- trigon
- triangle
- triangulum
- triatic stay
- tributary
- trice, to
- trice up lie out!
- tricing battens
- tricing-line
- trick
- tricker
- trie
- trigger
- trigger-finger
- trigger-line
- trig-meat
- trigonometry
- trim
- trim of the hold
- trimmed
- trimmed sharp
- trimming a jacket
- trimonier
- trim the boat!
- trink
- trip
- triple star
- tripping
- tripping-line
- troaker
- troacher
- trochoid
- troite
- trolling
- trombone
- trona
- troop
- troop-boats
- troop-ships
- trophy
- tropical motion
- tropical revolution
- tropic-bird
- tropics
- trough
- troul
- trounce, to
- trouncer
- trous de loup
- trow
- truce
- truchman
- truck
- truckle
- trucks
- true anomaly
- true-blue
- true-horizon
- true tide
- true water
- truff
- trug
- trugman
- trumpeter
- truncheon
- trundle-head
- trundle-shot
- trunk
- trunk-engine
- trunk-fish
- trunnion-ring
- trunnions
- truss
- truss-hoops
- truss-parrel
- truss-pendant
- truss-pieces
- truss-tackle
- truss up, to
- lie-to, in a gale
- try, to, or lie-to, in a gale
- try back for a bend, to
- try down, to
- trying the range
- trysail
- trysail-mast
- try-works
- tub, grog
- tub, match
- tubes
- tubes, for guns
- tubs, topsail-halliard
- tubular boilers
- tuck