Synonymous with stern-ladder.
·adj A working drift or level. II. Gallery ·adj Any communication which is covered overhead as well...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
1) Heb. attik (Ezek. 41:15, 16), a terrace; a projection; ledge. 2) Heb. rahit (Cant. 1:17), transl...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
A balcony projecting from the admiral's or captain's cabin; it is usually decorated with a balustrad...
The Sailor's Word-Book
an architectural term describing the porticos or verandas which are not uncommon in eastern houses. ...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
·vi That which resembles a ladder in form or use; hence, that by means of which one attains to emine...
Occurs only once, in the account of Jacob's vision (Gen. 28:12). ...
To go up the ladder to rest; to be hanged. ...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
The accommodation ladder is a sort of light staircase occasionally fixed on the gangway. It is furni...
Throwing, or rather trundling, the dice the whole length of the board. ...
A sort of balcony with windows on the quarters of large ships. (See gallery.) ...
A piece of Wiltshire wit, which consists in sending some raw lad, or simpleton, to a neighbouring fa...
A stitch fallen in a stocking. ...
leads to captain's and officers' quarters, and only used by officers. ...
Skids over the bowsprit from the beak-head in some ships, to enable men to run out upon the bowsprit...
Denotes the ladder by which the officers ascend to, and descend from, the quarter-deck. ...
The assemblage of shakes and short fractures, rising one above another, in a defective single-tree s...
The hatchways, scuttles or other openings in the decks, wherein the ladders are placed. ...
Shrouds rattled too closely. ...
From the quarter-deck to the poop. ...
Such as hangs over the stern, to enable men to go into boats, &c. ...
A short trough placed suitably in any fall where the water is tolerably deep, leaving a narrow troug...
See side-ladder ...
, or accommodation-ladder. A complete staircase structure used in harbour by most large ships. ...
Made of ropes with wooden steps, for getting in and out of the boats astern. ...
The passage of horizontal communication, as distinguished from the shaft or vertical descent, made u...