
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To be blended, as if melted together.

II. Fuse ·vt To unite or blend, as if melted together.

III. Fuse ·add. ·- ·Alt. of Fuze, plug.

IV. Fuse ·add. ·noun ·Alt. of Fuze.

V. Fuse ·vi To be reduced from a solid to a Quid state by heat; to be melted; to Melt.

VI. Fuse ·vt To liquefy by heat; to render fiuid; to Dissolve; to Melt.

VII. Fuse ·noun A tube or casing filled with combustible matter, by means of which a charge of powder is ignited, as in blasting;

— called also fuzee. ·see Fuze.

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