
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun ·see Padrone, 2.

II. Patron ·noun An advocate or pleader.

III. Patron ·noun A guardian saint.

— called also patron saint.

IV. Patron ·noun One who has gift and disposition of a benefice.

V. Patron ·noun One who protects, supports, or countenances; a defender.

VI. Patron ·adj Doing the duty of a patron; giving aid or protection; tutelary.

VII. Patron ·noun A man of distinction under whose protection another person placed himself.

VIII. Patron ·noun A master who had freed his slave, but still retained some paternal rights over him.

IX. Patron ·vt To be a patron of; to Patronize; to Favor.

X. Patron ·noun One who encourages or helps a person, a cause, or a work; a furtherer; a promoter; as, a patron of art.

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