
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·adj Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy.

II. Profane ·adj Treating sacred things with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity; irreverent; impious.

III. Profane ·adj Irreverent in language; taking the name of God in vain; given to swearing; blasphemous; as, a profane person, word, oath, or tongue.

IV. Profane ·adj To put to a wrong or unworthy use; to make a base employment of; to Debase; to Abuse; to Defile.

V. Profane ·adj Not sacred or holy; not possessing peculiar sanctity; unconsecrated; hence, relating to matters other than sacred; secular;

— opposed to sacred, religious, or inspired; as, a profane place.

VI. Profane ·adj To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt; to Desecrate; to Pollute; as, to profane the name of God; to profane the Scriptures, or the ordinance of God.

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