
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To create or constitute; as, to raise a use, that is, to create it.

II. Raise ·vt To give vent or utterance to; to Utter; to strike up.

III. Raise ·vt To cause to rise, as by the effect of leaven; to make light and spongy, as bread.

IV. Raise ·vt To let go; as in the command, Raise tacks and sheets, ·i.e., Let go tacks and sheets.

V. Raise ·vt To rouse to action; to stir up; to incite to tumult, struggle, or war; to Excite.

VI. Raise ·vt To cause (the land or any other object) to seem higher by drawing nearer to it; as, to raise Sandy Hook light.

VII. Raise ·vt To bring into being; to Produce; to cause to arise, come forth, or appear;

— often with up.

VIII. Raise ·vt To elevate in degree according to some scale; as, to raise the pitch of the voice; to raise the temperature of a room.

IX. Raise ·vt To cause to rise up, or assume an erect position or posture; to set up; to make upright; as, to raise a mast or flagstaff.

X. Raise ·vt To bring up from the lower world; to call up, as a spirit from the world of spirits; to recall from death; to give life to.

XI. Raise ·vt To bring to notice; to submit for consideration; as, to raise a point of order; to raise an Objection.

XII. Raise ·vt To cause to arise, grow up, or come into being or to appear; to give rise to; to originate, produce, cause, effect, or the like.

XIII. Raise ·vt To cause to spring up from a recumbent position, from a state of quiet, or the like; to Awaken; to Arouse.

XIV. Raise ·vt To cause to grow; to procure to be produced, bred, or propagated; to Grow; as, to raise corn, barley, hops, ·etc.; toraise cattle.

XV. Raise ·vt To form by the accumulation of materials or constituent parts; to build up; to Erect; as, to raise a lofty structure, a wall, a heap of stones.

XVI. Raise ·vt To give rise to; to set agoing; to Occasion; to Start; to Originate; as, to raise a smile or a blush.

XVII. Raise ·vt To bring together; to Collect; to Levy; to get together or obtain for use or service; as, to raise money, troops, and the like.

XVIII. Raise ·vt To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher place; to lift upward; to Elevate; to Heave; as, to raise a stone or weight.

XIX. Raise ·vt To increase the strength, vigor, or vehemence of; to Excite; to Intensify; to Invigorate; to Heighten; as, to raise the pulse; to raise the voice; to raise the spirits or the courage; to raise the heat of a furnace.

XX. Raise ·vt To bring to a higher condition or situation; to elevate in rank, dignity, and the like; to increase the value or estimation of; to Promote; to Exalt; to Advance; to Enhance; as, to raise from a low estate; to raise to office; to raise the price, and the like.