
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·interj Hail!.

II. Salve ·noun A soothing remedy or antidote.

III. Salve ·vt & ·vi To save, as a ship or goods, from the perils of the sea.

IV. Salve ·vt To say "Salve" to; to Greet; to Salute.

V. Salve ·noun An adhesive composition or substance to be applied to wounds or sores; a healing ointment.

VI. Salve ·noun To heal by applications or medicaments; to cure by remedial treatment; to apply salve to; as, to salve a wound.

VII. Salve ·noun To Heal; to Remedy; to Cure; to make good; to soothe, as with an ointment, especially by some device, trick, or quibble; to gloss over.

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