
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To clean, as the beak;

— said of a hawk.

II. Sue ·vi To be left high and dry on the shore, as a ship.

III. Sue ·vt To leave high and dry on shore; as, to sue a ship.

IV. Sue ·vi To Woo; to pay addresses as a lover.

V. Sue ·vt To proceed with, as an action, and follow it up to its proper termination; to gain by legal process.

VI. Sue ·vt To follow up; to Chase; to seek after; to endeavor to win; to Woo.

VII. Sue ·vi To Prosecute; to make legal claim; to seek (for something) in law; as, to sue for damages.

VIII. Sue ·vt To seek justice or right from, by legal process; to institute process in law against; to bring an action against; to prosecute judicially.

IX. Sue ·vi To seek by request; to make application; to Petition; to Entreat; to Plead.

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