- Romans, Epistle To The
- Rome
- Roof
- Room
- Rose
- Rosh
- Rosin
- Rubies
- Rue
- Rufus
- Ruhamah
- Rumah
- Ruth
- Ruth, Book Of
- Rye
- Sabachthani
- Sabaoth, The Lord Of
- Sabbath
- Sabbathdays Journey
- Sabbatical Year
- Sabeans
- Sabtah
- Sabtecha, Or Sabtechah
- Sacar
- Sackbut
- Sackcloth
- Sacrifice
- Sadducees
- Sadoc
- Saffron
- Sala
- Salamis
- Salathiel
- Salcah
- Salem
- Salim
- Salma
- Salmon
- Salmone
- Salome
- Salt
- Salt Sea
- Salt, City Of
- Salt, Valley Of
- Salu
- Salutation
- Samaria
- Samaria, Country Of
- Samaritan Pentateuch
- Samaritans
- Samgarnebo
- Samlah
- Samos
- Samothrace
- Samothracia
- Samson
- Samuel
- Samuel, Books Of
- Sanballat
- Sandal
- Sanhedrin
- Sansannah
- Saph
- Saphir
- Sapphira
- Sapphire
- Sara
- Sarah
- Sarai
- Saraph
- Sardine
- Sardis
- Sardites, The
- Sardonyx
- Sarepta
- Sargon
- Sarid
- Saron
- Sarothie
- Sarsechim
- Saruch
- Satan
- Satyr
- Saul
- Saw
- Scapegoat
- Scarlet
- Sceptre
- Sceva
- Schools
- Scorpion
- Scourging
- Scribes
- Scrip
- Scripture
- Scythian
- Scythopolis
- Sea
- Sea, Molten
- Sea, The Salt