Golden Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

North out of Holborn Hill, in parish of St. Andrew Holborn, west of the Fleet (S. 374).

First mention: "Goldinelane," 1291-2 (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A, Box 2, No. 615).

Other forms : "Golde lane," mentioned in rental of Prebend of Holborn, 13th or 14th century (MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, W.D. 20, f. 88b). "Golde lane," 1293-4 (Hust. Roll 23, No.31). "Golden lane," 1317 (Ct. H.W. I. 272).

Richard Golde held property in Holborn 1293-4, and 29 H. III. (Hust. Roll 23, No.31, and MS. D. and C. St. Paul's, Press A, Box 24, No. 610). In this latter deed the land is described as "beyond the Holburne opposite the Friars Preachers," whose first house was in Holborn, perhaps in or near Shoe Lane.

Called "Field Lane" (q.v.), Strype, ed. 1755, I. p. 723 and this would coincide with the description of its situation given above and set out in the records referred to.

Outside the City boundary.

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