Bordhawe Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

In the parish of St. Mary de Colechurch in Cheap Ward.

First mention: "Bordhawelane," 1305 (Ct. H.W. I. 170).

Other names and forms : Tenements in parishes of St. Mary de Colcherch and St. Pancras between a lane called "Bordhawe" and a lane called "Gropecuntelane," 1323 (ib. 302). "Bordehawelane," 1329-30 (ib. 355). "Bordhwelane," 1368-9 (ib. 122). House. in Bordhaw-lane held by the king's grant by "Burdeux Heraud" for life, 22 Rich. II. 1399 (Cal. P.R. 1396-9, p. 469). "Barthawelane," 1434 (Ct. H.W. II. 470). "Borthalane," alias "Bordhawlane," 1514 (L. and P. H. VIII. 1509-14, p. 923). "Brodhawlaine," 1552 (Lond. I. p.m. II. 67). "Borthelane alias Bordhawlane, and Bordhallane," 1557 (Lond. I. p.m. I. 159). "Bordhangly lane" (S. 1603, p. 266). Houses in Burdellane and in Westchepe in the parish of St. Mary de Colchirch, 1405-6 (Ct. H.W. II. 365). This probably refers to "Bordhawelane."

There are also references to tenements, etc., in "Bordhawe" (q.v.), which may well be meant for "Bordhawelane."

"Bordhawe," 3 Ed. I. (Rot. Hund. I. 407). "in Bordhaghe," 1275 (Ct. H.W. I. 25). "la Bordehawe," 1311 (ib. 223). "le Portehawe," 1309-10 (ib. 211).

Riley suggests that the "bordhawe" was a board-yard or a timber-yard, but Sharpe thinks it is more likely connected with the word "bordel" = a brothel, in the same way as the Stewes in Southwark were known as the "Bordello."

See Bordhawe.

The site may be identical with that occupied by the present "Bird in Hand Court" (q.v.), which name may be a corrupt rendering in course of time of "Bordhawe" or "Bordhangly lane."

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