(St.) Sepulchre's Burying Ground

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the northern boundary of Farringdon Ward Without, north of Smithfield Market, east of Durham Yard (Horwood, 1799).

Other names: " Churchyard for St. Sepulchers " (O. and M. 1677). " St. Sepulchre's Churchyard" (Rocque, 1746, and Strype, eds. 1720 and 1755).

Strype tells us that there was a large churchyard both before and behind the church, a good part now taken away and converted into buildings. Not enough left for the burial of the dead and the Inhabitants are forced to make use of another large piece of ground in Chick I,ane (ed. 1720, I. iii. 283).

Site is now occupied by Charterhouse Street and the railway lines.

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