Sernes Tower

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the north side of Bucklersbury, in Cheap Ward (S. 262).

Originally the house of William Servat in Bucklershury. He obtained licence to build and crenellate a tower beyond the gate of his dwelling place in 1305 (Cal. P.R. Ed. I. 1301-7, p.379).

In 1317-18 the houses late of Wm. Servat, which the king held of the gift of Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, were granted for life to Queen Isabella (ib. Ed. II. 1317-21, p.53).

Wm. Servat was an alderman of Walbrook Ward 1309 and 1318. He sat in Parliament in 1309 and 1313 and was a Collector of Customs (Beavan, I. 216, 163, 380) for the King.

In 1344 the house was made the King's Exchange (S. 52 and 262), and in 1358 Edward III. granted it to the college of St. Stephen, Westminster (Dugdale, VI. 1350).

In 1365 it was in the occupation of W. Holbeck, as lessee, and after his death of his widow Matilda (Ct. H.W. II. 104, and Ch. I. p.m. 50 Ed. III.).

Forms of name: " Sewtes Tower," 32 Ed. III. (Dugdale, Mon. Ang. VI. 1350). Queen's tower of Sernat," 1338 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1338-40, p. 'is). "la Tour Servat," 5 Ed. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 10948). " Surnetistour," 1365 (Ct. H.W. II. 104). " Sylvestre tour" (H. MSS. Com. 9th Rep. 56). " Seruesse Tower" or "Service Tower" (S. 1st ed. 209).

Herbert in his account of the Grocers' Company says they took up their temporary residence in Bucklersbury at a place called the Cornet's Tower (I. 341) in 1383.

Stow says the Tower had been lately pulled down and a new house set up (S. 262).

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