- Turner's Square
- Turnmill Brook
- Turnwheel Lane
- Turpin's Passage
- Tuttes Alley
- Twelfth
- Twelve Bell Court
- Twisden's Buildings
- Two Bell Alley
- Two Cranes Court
- Two Leg Alley
- Two Swan Inn
- Two Swan Yard
- Le Twychyn
- Tyger Court
- Tyghtynwowes
- Tyler's Court
- Tymberhawe
- Tymberhethe, Tymberhuth
- Tymberhithe Lane
- Tyson Court
- Underwood's Almshouse
- The Unicorn
- Unicorn Alley
- Unicorn Court
- Union Bank of London
- Union Court
- Union Row
- Union Square
- Union Street
- Union Street, Bishopsgate
- Upholders
- Upon
- Upper East Smithfield
- Upper Thames Street
- (St.) Ursula in the Poultry
- Usher's Court
- Vacke Court
- Vanchyrche Street
- Vanner's Lane
- Vastes Lane
- (St.) Vedast Churchyard
- Vedast, Foster Lane
- (St.) Vedast, Foster Lane
- (St.) Vedast Lane, Street
- Venella Veteris Decani
- Venice Showe
- Venour's Wharf
- Venures Wharf
- The Vernacle
- Vernon's Quay
- Vet' Judaism'
- Veteri Escambio
- Viaduct Buildings
- Victoria Avenue
- Victoria Buildings
- Victoria Embankment
- Victoria Wharf
- Victualling Office
- Vicus Veteris Decani
- (Houses of) Viene
- Villar's Court
- Vincent's Court
- Vine Court
- Vine Court Warehouse
- Vine Court, Gravel Lane
- Vine Inn, Vine Yard
- Vine Street
- Vine Street, Bishopsgate
- Vine Yard
- Vinegar Yard
- Vinetrieslane
- Vintners' Alley
- Vintners' Company
- Vintners' Hall
- The Vintry
- Vintry Ward
- Vintry Wharf
- Virginia Court
- Viswharf
- Viterilane
- Le Vorestret
- Vulcan Wharf
- Vyntre
- Le Wachouse
- Waetmundes Stone
- Waithman Street
- Walbrook, Street
- The Walbrook
- Walbrook Buildings
- Walbrook Corner
- Walbrook Ward
- Walbrookdyk
- Walkeden's Alley
- Wall Alley
- Wall of London
- Wallbrook Church
- Wallingford, Walingford Court
- Wallnut Tree Alley
- Wall's Alley, Wall's Court