- Salisbury Court
- Salisbury House
- Salisbury Lane
- Salisbury Place
- Salisbury Square
- Salisbury Stairs
- (Sir Nicholas) Salter's, House
- Salters' Almshouses
- Salters' Company
- Salters' Court
- Salters' Garden
- Salters' Hall
- Salters' Hall Chapel
- Salters' Hall Court
- Saltwharf
- Salutation Alley
- Salutation Court
- Salutation Tavern
- Salutation Tavern, Lower Thames Street
- Sambrook Court
- Sand Wharf
- Sandie House
- Sand's Court
- Sandwich Court
- Sandy's Place
- Sandy's Row
- Sandy's Street
- Sanyng Lane
- Saracen's Head
- Saracen's Head Inn
- Saracen's Head Inn, Aldgate
- Saracen's Head Inn, Saracen's Head Yard
- Saracen's Head Yard
- Sarcen's Head Inn
- Sarmoneres Lane
- Sarsynshede
- Saunders Gate
- Savage Court
- Savage Gardens
- Savage Yard
- Savage's Rents
- Saville Buildings
- Saw Court
- Sawyer Alley
- Sawyer's Court
- Sawyer's Yard
- Saxton's Still House
- Scaccarium
- Scalding Alley
- Scalding House
- Scalding Wick
- Scaldyng Lane
- Scallop Court
- Scavagers
- Schetebourne Lane
- Schiteburne Lane
- Schittebourne Lane
- Scholane
- Scholdynghous
- School House Passage
- Scoland
- The Scomer, Birchin Lane
- The Scorner, Houndsditch
- Scorrery's Alley
- Le Scot on the Hoop
- Scotch Hall
- Scotch Yard
- Scottish Corporation
- Scott's Wharf
- Scott's Yard
- Scouts' Hall
- Scriveners' Hall
- Scroop's Court
- Scroop's Inn
- Scrope Place
- Scrub's Court
- Scrupes Inn
- Scummer Alley
- (Soc of) Scvcia
- Seacoal Lane
- Searle's Wharf
- Second Postern
- Secondary's Office
- Sedgwick's Rents, Yard
- Sedyng Lane
- Seething Lane
- Segeryneslane
- Seintebrides Lane
- Selds
- Seleria
- Selvernestrate
- Semannescyrce, Semmanesire
- Sempringham Court
- (St.) Sepulchre
- (St.) Sepulchre's Alley
- (St.) Sepulchre's Burying Ground
- (St.) Sepulchre's Charity School
- Seremer Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street