Scalding Alley

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

Qn the north side of the Poultry, on the site now occupied by Mildred's (St.) Court (q.v.) (Maitland, 1775). In Broad Street and Cheap Wards.

It was called the Scalding house (q.v.) or Scalding wike, and was used by the poulterers, who had their selds in the market of the Poultry, for the purposes of their trade (S. 187).

First mention: A noisome goose house was kept in " Scalding Alley," 15 H. VIII. 1523 (L. and P. H. VIII. III. Pt. 2, p.1515). "Scaldinge Alley," 1578 (Ct. H.W. II. 693).

In Strype's time it contained two or three alleys and a square Court of good buildings (ed. 1720, I. iii. so).

"Scalding house" alias "Scalding wike," and "Scalding lane" (ib. 27).

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