- (Soc of) Scvcia
- Seacoal Lane
- Searle's Wharf
- Second Postern
- Secondary's Office
- Sedgwick's Rents, Yard
- Sedyng Lane
- Seething Lane
- Segeryneslane
- Seintebrides Lane
- Selds
- Seleria
- Selvernestrate
- Semannescyrce, Semmanesire
- Sempringham Court
- (St.) Sepulchre
- (St.) Sepulchre's Alley
- (St.) Sepulchre's Burying Ground
- (St.) Sepulchre's Charity School
- Seremer Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane
- Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street
- Serjeants' Inn, Holborn
- Serjeants-at-Law
- Sermon Lane
- Sernes Tower
- Serpent Alley
- Sersyns Head, Snow Hill
- Sessions House, Old Bailey
- Sethod Lane
- Seuechene Lane
- Seuedenlane
- Seuehodes Lane
- Seven Star Alley, Houndsditch
- Seven Star Alley, Royal Mint Street
- Seven Star Court
- Seven Step Alley
- Seven Steps Yard
- Sevenfoot Lane
- Seyntbotulfes Lane
- The Shades
- Shaft Alley
- Shaftesbury Place
- Shaft's Court
- The Shambles
- Shareborne Lane
- Sharington House
- Sharmoneres Lane
- Sharp's Alley
- Sharp's Alley, Leadenhall Street
- Sharp's Buildings
- Sharp's Court
- Shaw's Court
- The Shearmen
- Sheen's Court
- Sheepshead, Sheepherd's Alley, Upper Thames Street
- Sheere Lane
- Sheer's Alley
- Shelles Tenement
- Shelley House
- Shepheard and Dog Alley, Shepherd and Dog Alley
- Shepheard's Court
- Shepherd and Flock Court
- Shepherd's Alley
- Shepherd's Court
- Shepherd's Garden, Minories
- Shepherd's, Sheppard's Court
- Sheppardes Alley
- Sheppy Place
- Sheppy Yard
- Sherborne Lane
- Sheremonier's Lane
- Sheriffs
- The Ship
- Ship Alley
- Ship Court
- Ship Court, Bartholomew Lane
- Ship Tavern
- Ship Tavern Passage
- Ship Yard
- Ship Yard, Minories
- Shippey's Yard
- Shipwrights
- Shirbourne Lane
- Shire Lane
- Shiryngton Chapel
- Shitteborwelane
- Shiteburuelane
- Shiteburghiane
- Shoe Lane
- Shoemaker Row, Lane
- Shoemaker's Row
- Shoemakers' Row, West Smithfield
- Shof Lane
- Sholand
- Shooler's Court
- Shooters Court
- Shopereslane
- Short Street
- Shorter Street