
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

In favor of slavery. An expression much used by political speakers and writers, although not yet inserted in the dictionaries.

We have devoted every inch we could spare to this debate; and though two-thirds of what we publish was intended to favor slavery, we are confident that the whole will signally promote the cause of universal freedom. At all eventts, we shall see the pro-slavery journals through the Free States very carefully refraining from giving it publicity.--N. Y. Tribune, April, 1848.

It takes a despot, a craven, and a slave, compounded together, to make a pro-slavery legislator in a free State. The last legislature of Ohio had a majority of just such creatures. Noses of was! stay pinched, just as the slaveholder's thumb and finger left you. Dough-faces! wear the prints of your master's knuckles, and the traces of their spittle. They are your coats of arms, and they fit ye--your titles of nobility, and theyll stick to ye. Snow water and soap won't wash them off, nor your hot tears either--nor fire burn them out, nor paint hide them, nor plasters cover them. You have worked hard for infamy, and you have got it.--Anti-Slavery Almanac.

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