
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


a species of Ray, Pristiszysron, Bleek, the Australasian representative of the Pristidae family, or Saw-fishes, Rays of ashark-like form, with long, flat snouts, armed along eachedge with strong teeth.

1851. `Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of VanDiemen's Land,' vol. i. p. 223 [J. E. Bicheno, June 8, 1850, in epist.]:

«Last week an old fisherman brought me a fine specimen of aSaw-fish, caught in the Derwent. It turned out to be the Pristis cirrhatus, – – a rare and curious species, confinedto the Australian seas, and first described by Dr. Latham inthe year 1793.»

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