
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


a Queensland namefor the Giant Nettle, or Nettle-tree (q.v.)

1890. A. J. Vogan, `The Black Police,' p. 209:

«The stinging-tree, . . . the most terrible of all vegetablegrowths. This horrible guardian of the Queensland junglestands from five to fifteen feet in height, and has a generalappearance somewhat similar to that of a small mulberry-tree.Their peculiarly soft and inviting aspect is caused by analmost invisible coating of microscopic cillia, and it is tothese that the dangerous characteristics of the plant are due.The unhappy wanderer in these wilds, who allows any part of hisbody to come in contact with those beautiful, inviting tonguesof green, soon finds them veritable tongues of fire, and itwill be weeks, perhaps months, ere the scorching agonyoccasioned by their sting is entirely eradicated.»

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