
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


popular name applied tomembers of an old Linnaean genus of birds. The Australianspecies are enumerated by Gould in quotation.

1848. J. Gould, `Birds of Australia,' vol. iv.:


Climacteris scandens, Temm., Brown Tree-creeper . 93

C. rufa, Gould, Rufous T. . . . . . . . . 94

C. erythrops, Gould, Red-eyebrowed T. . . . . 95

C. melanotus, Gould, Black-backed T. . . . . 96

C. melanura, Gould, Black-tailed T. . . . . . 97

C. picumnus, Temm., Whitethroated T. . . . . 98

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