
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Two species of Laportea, N.O. Urticaceae, large scrub-trees, arecalled by this name – – Giant Nettle, L. gigas, Wedd., andSmall-leaved Nettle, L. photiniphylla, Wedd.; they haverigid stinging hairs. These are both species of such magnitudeas to form timber-trees. A third, L. moroides, Wedd.,is a small tree, with the stinging hairs extremely virulent.See also preceding words. /??/

1849. J. P. Townsend, `Rambles in New South Wales,' p. 34:

«In the scrubs is found a tree, commonly called the nettle-tree ( Urtica gigas). It is often thirty feet in height,and has a large, broad, green leaf. It is appropriately named;and the pain caused by touching the leaf is, I think, worsethan that occasioned by the sting of a wasp.»

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