
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A city of the Celtici, in Hispania Baetica, in the neighbourhood of Arundax and Acinipo, in the conventus of Hispalis; identified by inscriptions with Aroche. (Ptol. 2.4.15; Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3, where Sillig gives the true reading from one of the best MSS.; others have Aruti, Arunci, Arungi, in fact the copyists seem to have confounded the consecutive words Arundaand Aruci:Florez, Esp. S. 9. p. 120; Gruter, p. 46; Ukert, 2.1. p. 382.)—2. ( Moura), a city of Lusitania, 30 M. P. E. of Pax Julia. ( It. Ant. p. 427). [P.S]