
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARUNDA(Ἀροὐνδα: Ronda), a city of the Celtici, in Hispania Baetica, in the conventus of Hispalis (Ptol. 2.4.15; Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3, ed. Sillig, comp. ARUCII nscr. ap. Muratori, p. 1029, No. 5.). Some writers place Arunda at Ronda la vieja, which is usually taken, on the authority of inscriptions there, for AcINIP o; on the ground that the inscriptions at Rondabearing the name of Arunda, have been brought from the ruins at Ronda la vieja(Ford, p. 98); but both Pliny and Ptolemy make Acinipo and Arunda different places.