
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BERECYNTUS(Βερέκυντος: Eth. Βερεκύνται), a city of Phrygia, according to Stephanus (s. v.). But this town, and the Castellum Berecynthium of Vibius Sequester (p. 18, ed. Oberlin), on the Sangarius, are otherwise unknown. The Berecyntes (Strab. p. 469) were a Phrygian nation, who worshipped the Magna Mater. A district named Berecys is mentioned in a fragment of Aeschylus, quoted by Strabo (p. 580); but Aeschylus, after his fashion, confused the geography. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.29) mentions a Berecyntius tractusin Caria, which abounded in box-wood (16.16); but he gives no precise indication of the position of this country.

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