
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Bĕrĕcyntus, i, m., = Βερέκυντος,

I a mountain on the banks of the river Sangarius , in Phrygia , sacred to Cybele , Serv. ad Verg. A. 6, 784; 9, 82; Schol. Cruq. ad Hor. C. 4, 1, 22.—

II Derivv., the adjj.

A Bĕrĕcyntĭus ( Bĕrĕcynth- ), a, um, = Βερεκύντιος.

1 Of or pertaining to the mountain Berecyntus , Berecyntian : tractus, Plin. 5, 29, 29, § 108 (acc. to Pliny, in Caria): juga, Claud. ap. Eutr. 2, 300: mater, i. e. Cybele , Verg. A. 6, 785; Stat. Th. 4, 782; and subst.: Bĕrĕcyntia , ae, f., Verg. A. 9, 82; Ov. F. 4, 355.—

2 Of or pertaining to Cybele : heros, i. e. Midas , son of Cybele , Ov. M. 11, 106: Attis, her favorite , Pers. 1, 93: tibia, a flute of a crooked shape (orig. employed only in her festivals), Ov. F. 4, 181; hence, for a curved Phrygian flute , in gen., Hor. C. 3, 19, 18; 4, 1, 22; Ov. M. 11, 16; cf. cornu, Hor. C. 1, 18, 13: furores, the madness of the priests of Cybele, Mart. 4, 43, 8.—

B Bĕrĕcyntĭădes , ae, m., Berecyntian : venator, perh. Attis (v. Attis), Ov. Ib. 506 Heins.—

C Bĕrĕcyntĭăcus , a, um, = Berecyntius, 2., of or belonging to Cybele : sacerdos, Prud. c. Sym. 2, 51.

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