Cambunii Montes

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAMBU´NII MONTES a range of mountains forming the boundary between Macedonia and Thessaly, is a continuation of the Ceraunian mountains and terminates at Mt. Olympus on the east. The name of these mountains contains the root Βουνός.The principal pass through these mountains is called Volustana by Livy, the modern pass of Servia. Leake remarks, that in the word Volustana the V represents probably the B, which was so common an initial in Macedonian names of places; the two last syllables, στανὰ, are perhaps the Macedonian form of στενὰ, and have reference to the pass, the entire name in Greek being Βωλοῦ στενά. (Liv. 42.53, 44.2; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 338.)