
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAMPIMACRI(Μακροὶ Κάμποι, Strab), a place in Cisalpine Gaul, on the Via Aemilia, between Regium and Mutina. Strabo speaks of it as a small town (v.p. 216), where a great fair (πανήγυρις) was held every year: and Varro notices it as the scene of a large cattle and sheep fair, the neighbouring plains being indeed among the most celebrated in Italy for the excellence of their wool. (Varr. ii. Praef.; Colum. 7.2.3.) But this fair appears to have fallen into disuse soon after; for a curious inscription, discovered at Herculaneum, dated in A.D. 56, speaks of it as having then ceased to be held, so that the buildings adapted for it were fallen into decay, and the place was become uninhabited. (Orell. Inscr. 3115; Cavedoni, Marmi Modenesi, p. 60.) It is evident from this that there never was properly a townof the name, but merely a collection of buildings for the purposes of the fair. The name of the Campi Macri was originally given to the extensive plains at the foot of the Apennines, extending along the Via Aemilia from Mutina to Parma. They are repeatedly mentioned in this sense by Livy during the wars of the Romans with the Ligurians, who at that time still held possession of the mountains immediately adjoining. (Liv. 41.18, 45.12.) Columella also speaks of the Macri campi,not as a particular spot, but a tract of country about Parma and Mutina. ( R. R. 7.2.3.) It is supposed that the village of Magreda, on the banks of the Secchia, about 8 miles from Modena, retains some traces of the ancient name. (Cavedoni, l. c.62.)