
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CANDA´VIA(Κανδαια, Hierosol. Itin.;Peut. Tab.: Elbassán), a mountain of Illyria. The Egnatian Way, commencing at Dyrrhachium, crossed this mountain, which lies between the sources of the river Genusus and the lake Lychnitis, and was called from this Via Candavia. (Strab. 7. p. 323.) Its distance from Dyrrhachium was 87 M. P. (Plin. Nat. 3.33; comp. Cic. ad Att. 3.7; Caes. B.C. 3.79; Sen. Ep. xxxi.) Colonel Leake ( Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 343, 3. p. 280) found its bearing N. 23 W. by compass.

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