Castra Alata

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CASTRA ALA´TA in Britain. This is the rendering of the Πτερωτὸν στρατόπεδονof Ptolemy. It is twice mentioned by this author (2.3.13, 8.3.9), and by him only; once as having its longest day of 18 hours, and one-half,and being distant from Alexandria to the westward 2 hours and one-sixth;and again, as being, along with Banatia, Tameia, and Tuaesis, one of the four towns of the Vacomagi,—these lying north of the Caledonians, and north-east of the Venicontes. It has been variously identified, viz. with Taynein Ross, with Burgheadin Murray, and with Edinburg. None of these are certain.