Castra Caecilia

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CASTRA CAECI´LIA(Caceres), a town of Lusitania, in Spain, on the high road from Emerita to Caesaraugusta, 46 M. P. from the former, and 20 M. P. from Turmuli ( Alconeta) on the Tagus. ( Itin. Ant. p. 433.) It belonged to the conventus of Emerita, and formed one community with Norba Caesarea (Plin. Nat. 4.22. s. 35, contribute in Norbam). It is generally supposed to be identical with the Caecilia Gemellinum of Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.5.8, Καικιλία Γεμέλλινον ἢ Μετέλλινα : Bivar. ad Dextri Chron. p. 179, ap. Wesseling. ad Itin. l. c. ).