Chersonesus Cimbrica

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHERSONE´SUS CI´MBRICA(Χερσόνησος Κιμβρική: Jutland), the large peninsula terminating on the N. in the pronmontorium Cimbrorum, between the German Ocean on the W. and the sinus Lagnusand Codanuson the E. (Ptol. 2.11.2; Strab. p. 293.) Strabo is the first ancient authority mentioning this peninsula, for it was only during the campaigns of Tiberius in the north-west of Germany, that the Romans heard of its existence. According to Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.27), its native name was Cartris, which is otherwise unknown. Its common name is derived from its inhabitants, the Cimbri, who continued to inhabit it in the time of the Roman emperors. Comp. CIMBRI