Chersonesus Thracica

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHERSONE´SUS THRA´CICA(Χερσόνησος Θρᾳκία), the peninsula extending in a south-westerly direction into the Aegean, between the Hellespont and the bay of Melas. Near Agora it was protected by a wall running across it against incursions from the mainland. (Xenoph. Hell. 3.2.10; Diod. 16.38; Plin. Nat. 4.18; Agath. 5. p. 108; Plat. Per.19.) The isthmus traversed by the wall was only 36 stadia in breadth (Hdt. 6.36; comp. Scyl. p. 28; Xenoph. l. c.); but the length of the peninsula from this wall to its southern extremity, cape Mastusia, was 420 stadia (Herod. l. c.It is now called the peninsula of the Dardanelles, or of Gallipoli. It was originally inhabited by Thracians, but was colonised by the Greeks, especially Athenians, at a very early period. (Hdt. 6.34, foil.; Nepos, Milt. 1.) During the Persian wars it was occupied by the Persians, and after their expulsion it was, for a time, ruled over by Athens and Sparta, until it fell into the hands of the Macedonians, and became the object of contention among the successors of Alexander. The Romans at length conquered it from Antiochus. Its principal towns were, CARDIA, PACTYA, CALLIPOLIS, ALOPECONNESUS, SESTOS, MADYTUS,and ELAEUS