
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONSILI´NUM or COSILL´NUM, a town of Lucania, mentioned only in the Liber Coloniarum, which enumerates it among the Praefecturae of that province (p. 209), and by Cassiodorus ( Varr. 8.33), who calls it antiquissima civitas.We learn from the latter that a great. fair was held every year in a suburb of the town, to which he gives the name of Marcilianum. This is in all probability the same place called in the Itinerary Marcelliana ( Itin. Ant. p. 110), and a local antiquary has pointed out a spot still called Marciliana, between La Salaand Padula, in the valley of the Tanagro, where there is a remarkable fountain, corresponding to one mentioned by Cassiodorus. The situation of Consilinum is said to be indicated by some ruins on a hill near Padula. (Romanelli, vol. i. pp. 405—409.)

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