
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONSORANI enumerated by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.19) among the peoples of Aquitania. He mentions them between the Tarnates and Ausci. In another place, where he is describing the Narbonensis Provincia (3.4), he says, In ora regio Sardonum, intusque Consuaranorum.The Consorani seem to have occupied the country called Conseransor Couserans, at the base of the Pyrenees, between Bigorreand Foix. The names Consoranni and Consuarani appear to be the same, and yet Pliny assigns one people to Aquitania, and the other to Narbonensis. The conclusion is, that, according to the divisions of Pliny's time, part of the Consorani were within Aquitania, and part within Narbonensis. We have an instance like this in the case of the Ruteni, who in Caesar's time were divided into Ruteni Provinciales in the Provincia, and Ruteni beyond the limits of the Provincia. It is probable that before the time of Augustus all the Consorani were in the Narbonensis. The modern St. Lizier, in the department of Arriège, was within the limits of the Consorani.