
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONSTA´NTIA or CONSTANTI´NA(Κωνσταντία, Hier. p. 714; Κωνσταντίνα, Suid., Steph. B. s. v. Nicephorium;Procop. B. P. 2.13; Ammian. 18.7), a town of some importance in Mesopotamia, on the road between Nisibis and Carrhae, at no distance from Edessa, which, after his departure from Nisibis, was the residence of the Dux Mesopotamiae till the foundation of Dara (Procop. de Aed. 2.5). There is considerable variation in different authors in the way in which the name of this town is written. Stephanus B calls it Constantina, and states that it was another name for Nicephorium; Suidas, Constantina and Constanteia, which latter form occurs also in the Itinerary of Hierocles. In the Excerpt. Procop. ap. Photium, it is called Constantia; so also in the Notit. Imp. Roman. under the Dux Mesopotamiae. Evagrius ( H. E. i.) entitles Sophronius Κωνσταντιναίων Ἐπισκόπον, and in the list of the bishops who subscribed the Council of Chalcedon, he is called Bishop of Constantinopolis in the province of Osrhoene. It appears to have borne other names, as Antoninopolis and Maximianopolis, in the fourth century, to have been nearly destroyed by an earthquake, but to have been rebuilt by Constantinus. (Chron. Edess. ap. Asseman. Bibl. Or. 1. p. 395; Malala, Chron. 12. p. 312.)

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