
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PEPARE´THUS(Πεπάρηθος: Eth. Πεπαρήθιος), an island in the Aegaean sea, lying off the coast of Thessaly, to the east of Halonnesus. Pliny describes it as 9 miles in circuit, and says that it was formerly called Evoenus (4.12. s. 23). It was said to have been colonised by some Cretans under the command of Staphylus. (Scymn. Ch. 579; Hom. Hymn. Apoll. 32.) Peparethus was an island of some importance, as appears from its frequent mention in history, and from its possessing three towns (τρίπολις, Scylax, p. 23), one of which bore the same name as the island. (Strab. 9. p. 436.) The town suffered from an earthquake in the Peloponnesian War, B.C. 426. (Thuc. 3.89.) It was attacked by Alexander of Pherae (Diod. 15.95), and the island was laid waste by Philip, because the inhabitants, at the instigation of the Athenians, had taken; possession of Halonnesus. (Dem. de Cor. p. 248, Epist. Phil. p. 162.) In B.C. 207, Philip sent a garrison to the city of Peparethus, to defend it against the Romans (Liv. 28.5); but he destroyed it in B.C. 200, that it might not fall into the hands of the latter. (Liv. 31.28.) Peparethus; was celebrated in antiquity for its wine (Athen. i, p. 29; Heracl. Pont. Fragm. 13; Plin. Nat. 14.7. s. 9) and oil. (Ov. Met. 7.470) Diodes, the earliest Greek historian who wrote upon the foundation of Rome, was a native of Peparethus. [See Dict. of Biogr. Vol. 1. p. 1010.] Peparethus is now called Khilidhrómia, and still produces wine, which finds a good market on the mainland. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 112.)

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