
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Σάνη: Eth. Σάνιος, Σηναῖος, Σαναῖος, Hdt. 7.22; Thuc. 4.109; Steph. B. s. v.), a colony of Andros, situated upon the low, undulating ground, forming the isthmus which connects the peninsula of Acte with Chalcidice, through which the canal of Xerxes passed. Masses of stone and mortar, with here and there a large and squared block, and foundations of Hellenic walls, which are found upon this Próvlakaor neck of land, mark the site of ancient Sane, which was within Acte and turned towards the sea of Euboea. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 143.)

2. It appears from Herodotus (Hdt. 7.123; comp. Thuc. 5.18) and the Epitomiser of Strabo (7. p. 330, Fr. 27), that there was another town of this name in Pallene. According to the position assigned to it in the list of Herodotus, the site must be sought for between C. Posídhiand the W. side of the isthmus of Porta.Mela (2.3.1) is opposed to this position of Sane, as he places it near Canastraeum Prom. ( C. Paliúri). [E.B.J]

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