
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

sānē adv.with comp.

sanus, soberly, sensibly, reasonably, discreetly : sanius bacchari Edonis, H.—As a particle of assurance, indeed, doubtless, by all means, truly, certainly, of course, right, very (only posit.): odiosum sane genus hominum: iudicare difficile est sane: oratio sane longa: sane murteta relinqui, H.: bonus sane vicinus, H.— Esp., in affirmative answers: Ch . Ego domi ero siquid me voles. Me . Sane volo, assuredly , T.: Ch . Estne, ut fertur, forma? Pa . sane, entirely so , T.: sane et libenter quidem.—Ironic.: Beneficium magnum sane dedit! Ph.—With other adverbs: res rustica sane bene culta: bene sane, very well , T.: recte sane interrogasti, very properly , T.: Sane hercle ut dicis, exactly as you say , T.: sane quidem, of course , T.—With quam, how very, very much indeed, uncommonly, exceedingly : conclusa est a te tam magna lex sane quam brevi.—With a negative : commissator haud sane commodus, not altogether , T.: haud sane intellego, quidnam sit, etc., I do not quite understand : haud sane quisquam, nobody at all , S.: non sane credere, H.: quid ad haec Quinctius? nihil sane certum, nothing at all .—Restrictive, in concessions, to be sure, indeed, certainly, however : sane bonum, ut dixi, rei p. genus: sint sane illa magna: haec si vobis non probamus, sint falsa sane: sed fruatur sane hoc solacio.—With an imper, then, if you will : I sane, T.: cedo sane, T.: ‘age sane,’ omnes, L.

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