Summus Pyrenaeus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SUMMUS PYRENAEUSO ne of the passes of this name mentioned in the Antonine Itin. and the Table was on the road from Narbo ( Narbonne) to Juncaria ( Junquera) in Spain. The road passed from Narbo through Ad Centuriones and Ad Stabulum; but the distances in the Itins. are not correct; nor is the distance in the Itin. correct from Summus Pyrenaeus to Juncaria. The pass, however, is well marked; and it is the Col de Pertus, which is commanded by the fort of Bellegarde. This is the road by which Hannibal entered Gallia, and the Roman armies marched from Gallia into Spain. A second pass named Summus Pyrenaeus in the Antonine Itin. was on the road from Beneharnum [BENEHARNUM] in Aquitania to Caesaraugusta ( Saragosa) in Spain. The road went through Iluro ( Oleron) and Aspa Luca [ASPA LUCA] and Forum Ligneum [FORUM LIGNEUM], which is 5 from Summus Pyrenaeus. This road follows the Gave d'Aspefrom Oleron;and on reaching the head of the valley there are two roads, one to the right and the other to the left. That to the right called Port de Bernèremust be the old road, because it leads into the valley of Araguesand to Beiloin Spain, which is the Ebellinum of the Itin. on the road from Summus Pyrenaeus to Saragosa.
There is a third pass the most western of all also named Summus Pyrenaeus on the road from Aquae Tarbellicae ( Dax) in Aquitania to Pompelon ( Pamplona) in Spain. The Summus Pyrenaeus is the Sommet de Castel-Pinon, from which we descend into the valley of Roncesvalleson the road to Pamplona[IMUS PYRENAEUS]. (D'Anville, Notice, &c. )