IMUS PYRENAEUS a station in Aquitania, at the northern base of the Pyrenees, on the road from Aquae Tarbellicae ( Dax) to Pompelon ( Pamplona) in Spain. Imus Pyrenaeus is between Carasa (Garis) and the Summus Pyrenaeus. The Summus Pyrenaeus is the Sommet de Castel-Pinon;and the Imus Pyrenaeus is St. Jean-Pied-de-Port, at the foot of the pass.The distance in the Itin. between Summus Pyrenaeus and Imus Pyrenaeus is v., which D'Anville would alter to x., to fit the real distance. Walckenaer takes the measure to be Gallic leagues, and therefore the v. will be equivalent to 7 1/2 M. P.