
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TIGRANOCERTA(τὰ Τιγρανόκερτα, Strab. xi. pp. 522, 532; Ptol. 5.13.22; ἡ Τιγρανοκέρτα, Plut. Lucull. 25, &c.), literally, the city of Tigranes, since κέρτα (kert, gerd,or karta) meant, in the Armenian dialect, city(Hesych. 3. p. 237). The later capital of Armenia, built by Tigranes on an eminence by the river Nicephorius, a city of considerable size and strongly fortified. It was in a great measure populated with Greeks and Macedonians, taken thither by force from Cappadocia and Cilicia. After Lucullus gained his victory over Tigranes before its walls, he caused a great part of the still unfinished town to be pulled down, and permitted its kidnapped inhabitants to return to their homes. Nevertheless, the town continued to exist, though we hear but little of it subsequently to this event. (Cf. Strab. ll. cc.and 12. p. 539, xvi p. 747; App. Mithr. 67; Plut. Luc. 25, sqq.; Tac. Ann. 12.50, 14.24, 15.4; Plin. Nat. 6.9. s. 10.) It has been variously identified with the ruins of Serton the Chabur, with Mejafurkin, and with Amidor Amadiah. (See Ainsworth, 2. p. 361; St. Martin, 1. p. 173; Ritter, Erdk. 10. p. 87, 11. p. 106, sqq. )

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