
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ad - misceō scuī, xtus

(mīstus), ēre, to add so as to form a mixture, mix with, admix: admixto calore: ille (aër) multo calore admixtus est: aquae calorem. — Fig., to mingle, mix in with: huic generi orationis illud alterum: versūs admisceri orationi. — To add, join, mingle, merge in, scatter through: antesignanos, among the cavalry, Cs.: stirpem admisceri Phrygiam, that a Phrygian stock is mixed (with ours), V.: his Antonianos milites, Cs.—To implicate, mix up: ne me admisceas, T.—With se or pass, to mix oneself up, interfere, meddle: ne te admisce, T.: ad id consilium admiscear?

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