
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

agitō āvī, ātus, āre, freq.

ago, to set in violent motion, drive onward, move, impel, urge : (Harena) magnā vi agitata, S.: greges, drive to pasture , V.: equum, V.: iugales (dracones), O.: (triremem) in portu agitari iubet, rowed about , N.— To hunt, chase, pursue : aquila alias avīs agitans: dammas, O.: cervos in retia, O.— Fig., to drive, urge forward, press, support, insist on : agrariam legem: hoc unum agitare, esse, etc., keep pressing this one point : pacem an bellum, S.— To attend, keep, celebrate : Dionysia, T.: festos dies. — To observe, obey, carry out, exercise : praecepta parentis mei, S.: secreta consilia, L.—Of time, to pass, spend vitam sine cupiditate, S.: apud aquam noctem, S.—Absol, to live, abide, be : varius atque incertus agitabat, S.: pro muro dies noctīsque, remain , S.— To move to and fro, stir, agitate, shake, disturb, toss : corpora huc et illuc, S.: hastam, brandish , O.: scintilla agitata (ventis), fanned , O.: habenas manibus, wield , O.: caput, nod , O.: mare ventorum vi agitari: freta incipiant agitata tumescere, V.: Zephyris agitata Tempe, H.: agitata numina Troiae, tossed on the sea, V.: agitantia fumos Nubila, tossing up spray , O.— Fig., to stir, rouse, agitate, stimulate, excite, goad : hunc, T.: plebem, L.: mens agitat molem, animates , V.— To vex, disquiet, disturb, distress : nationes: Furiis agitatus Orestes, V.: rebus agitatis, in times of disorder : metu atque libidine divorsus agitabatur, was distracted by , S.: te agitet cupido, H.: fidem aut gentīs, to disturb the loyalty , etc., V.— To insult, scoff, rail at, deride, revile : rem militarem: mea fastidia verbis, H.: (poemata) expertia frugis, H.: ea belle agitata ridentur, neatly mocked. — To prosecute, occupy oneself with, engage in, keep going, stir : cuncta, keep active , S.: mutas artes, V.: iocos, O.: eo modo agitabat, ut, etc., so conducted himself , S.: scaenis agitatus Orestes, i. e. represented , V.— To pursue, consider, deliberate on, meditate : secum multum, S.: haec mecum, H.: in animo bellum, L.: agitare coepit, si posset, etc., L.: ut mente agitaret, bellum renovare, N.— To discuss, debate, sift, investi gate : oratori omnia tractata, agitata, i. e. sifted, discussed : omnia ex tabulis, by the accounts : senatus de secessione plebis agitat, L.— Impers: Romae de facto agitari, there were discussions , S.

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