
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

āgmen inis, n

ago, that which is driven .— In gen., a multitude, throng, host, troop, crowd, number, band : perpetuum totius Italiae: ingens mulierum, L.: puerile, of boys , V.: Eumenidum agmina, V.: navium, a line of ships (for a breakwater), L.: graniferum, ants , O.: agmina cervi fugā glomerant, V.: (stellarum) agmina, O.— Esp., an army on the march, column : medium hostium, the centre , L.: novissimum hostium ... nostrum primum, rear, van , Cs.: extremum, rear guard , Cs.: confertissimo agmine contendere, in close array , Cs.: certum agminis locum tenere, place in the column : transverso agmine, by a flank movement , L.: agmine tacito, i. e. without signals , L.: agmine quadrato accedere, in solid column : quadrato agmine incedere, in a square , S.— An army, host, troops (cf. exercitus, acies): instructo agmine, L.: agmina curru Proterit, V.: horrentia pilis, H.: coniurata undique pugnant Agmina, O.: venti, velut agmine facto, as if for battle , V.: agmen agens, the naval line of battle , V.: rudis agminum, i. e. in war , H.— A course, train, line, stream, succession : leni fluit agmine, V.: immensum aquarum, V.: agmine longo formicae, in a long line , O.: agmine remorum celeri, with a quick stroke of the oars , V.: extremae agmina caudae, movements , V.: agmine certo, in a straight line , V.—Of an army, a passage, progress, march : de castris, de agminibus ... dicere: in agmine, on the march , S.: in agmine principes facti, to lead , S.: educenda dictio est medium in agmen, before the public .

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