
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aliās adv.

orig. accplur. f. of alius, of time, at another time, some other time, at other times : Nil oriturum alias, nil ortum tale fatentes, H.: et alias et in consulatūs petitione vincebar: numquam ante alias, L.: non umquam alias ante, L.—Esp., repeated: alias ... alias, at one time ... at another; once ... another time; sometimes ... sometimes; now ... now , C.: cum alias bellum inferrent, alias inlatum defenderent, Cs.; cf. alias ... plerumque: interdum ... alias, C.—With a case of alius, or with aliter, at one time one ... at another time another; now in one way, now in another : illi alias aliud isdem de rebus iudicant, pass different judgments at different times : (deos) non semper eosdem atque alias alios solemus ... precari, different gods at different times : alias aliter: alias in aliam rem. — With saepe, at many other times, often besides : quod cum saepe alias, tum nuper: fecimus et alias saepe, et nuper in Tusculano.—Raro alias, L.—Non alias, never besides, at no other time : Non alias caelo ceciderunt plura sereno Fulgura, V.: non alias militi familiarior dux fuit, L.—Non alias ... quam, for no other reason, in no other way than , Ta.

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