
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

alibī adv.,

elsewhere, somewhere else, at another place (cf. alio loco): Catulo alibi reponamus, find another place for: alibi servaturi auferuntur, Ta. —Esp., alibi ... alibi, in one place ... in another; here ... there: alibi preces, alibi minae audiebantur, L.; cf. Hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae, Arborei fetūs alibi, V.: alibi ... deinde, Cu.— With alius or aliter, one here, another there; one in this, the other in that manner: exprobrantes suam quisque alius alibi militiam, L.: pecora diversos alium alibi pascere iubet, L.: alias ... cetera, in some parts ... the rest, Cu.—With a negative, nowhere else, in no other place: Nec tam praesentes alibi cognoscere divos, V.: nusquam alibi. — Alibi quam, indicating comparison, elsewhere than, commonly with a neg., nowhere else than: ne alibi quam in armis, L.: nusquam alibi quam in armis, L. — With interrog.: num alibi quam in Capitolio? L. — Meton., otherwise, in something else, in another matter, in other things, in other respects: nec spem salutis alibi quam in pace, L.: alibi quam in innocentiā spem habere, L.—Elsewhere, with some other person: alibi animus amori deditus, T.: alibi ... alibi ... invenio, in some authors ... in others, L.

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