
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aliēnus (1)

I alius.

I I. Adj.with comp.and sup, of another, belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, alien, strange : res: puer, the child of another , T.: mos, T.: menses, of other climes , V.: pecuniae: in alienis finibus decertare, Cs.: salus, of others , Cs.: alienis manibus, by the hands of others , L.: insolens in re alienā, in dealing with other men's property : mālis ridens alienis, i. e. a forced laugh , H.: mulier, another man's wife : alieni viri sermones, of another woman's husband , L.: vestigia viri alieni, one not my husband , L.: volnus, intended for another , V.: alienam personam ferre, to assume a false character , L.: cornua, i. e. those of a stag , O.: alieno Marte pugnare (equites), i. e. on foot , L.: aes alienum, another's money , i. e. debt : aes alienum alienis nominibus, debts contracted on the security of others , S.: recte facere alieno metu, fear of another , T.: crevit ex metu alieno audacia, another's fear , L.: sacerdotium genti haud alienum, foreign to , L.— Alien from, not related, not allied, not friendly, strange : ab nostrā familiā, T.: omnia alienissimis crediderunt, to utter strangers , Cs.: ne a litteris quidem alienus, not unversed in.—Strange, unsuitable, incongruous, inadequate, inconsistent, unseasonable, different from : dignitatis alicuius: neque aliena consili (domus), not inconvenient for consultation , S.: illi causae: alienum maiestate suā: aliena huius existimatione suspicio: domus magis his aliena malis, freer from , H.: alienum a vitā meā, T.: a dignitate: non alienum esse videtur, proponere, etc., Cs.: non alienum videtur, ... docere, N.— Averse, hostile, unfriendly, unfavorable to : (Caesar) a me: voluntates, unfriendliness : mens, hostility , S.: alieno a te animo: a causā nobilitatis, opposed to : a Murenā nullā re alienus, in nc respect unfriendly : alienum suis rationibus, dangerous to his plans , S.: alieno esse animo in Caesarem, Cs.: alieno loco proelium committunt, unfavorable , Cs.: alienissimo sibi loco conflixit, N.—Of time, unfitting, inconvenient, unfavorable, unseasonable : ad iudicium corrumpendum tempus: ad committendum proelium alienum esse tempus, Cs.: alieno tempore defendisse: alienore aetate, at a less suitable age , T.—Of the mind, estranged, disordered : illis aliena mens erat, qui, etc., S.—

II II. Substt. :

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